KIT109 Assignment 1 - Pong's DevLog

List of Sources:

1. Arts by Jastine Laksmono using Procreate on IPad.

2. DebugFreeTrial-MVdYB font from

3. PressStart2P font from

4. Background Music (Corona-320bit) by Alexander Nakarada from

5. SFX

List of features:

1. If the ball goes to goal of a player/bot then it will reset to the center and start moving in random direction (either 45° to 160° degree or -45° to -160°) with same speed as when the game starts

2. Each time the paddle hit the ball, the ball’s speed will increase. So, it will move faster than before and will not lose speed over time (so each round the ball speed is 7f and when it collides with a paddle, the ball’s speed now is increased to 8f). And the ball will bounce back with angle depends on which part of the paddle the ball hits, also the farther it is from the center of the paddle, the larger the angle will be. When the ball hits the wall it will bounce back as well.

3. Paddles cannot go past the top and bottom walls, and never move sideways, rotate, or get stuc

4. When a player makes a goal (ball collides with opponent’s goal),  the player’s scores will higher up by 1 (scoreboard can be seen in the top middle of the gameplay screen).

5. There is a pause panel that will pop up when a player press ‘space’ key on their keyboards and there will be a text message saying that to resume the game a player has to press the ‘space’ key again. ‘back to menu’ button is also available in the pause panel if a player wants to go back to main menu/title.

6. When the gameplay proceeds, the first player to get 10 points will get a winning message (a pop up panel will appear defining who wins). But if it’s a single player mode (a player playing with bot) and the player lost to bot, it will pop up a losing message to the player instead.

7. If a match has ended, there will be a ‘play again’ and ‘back to menu’ button appear alongside the winning panel (if play again then the gameplay will be reset to start and if back to menu then it will go back to the main menu/title).
8. The ‘quit’ button in the gameplay can be accessed anytime as long as the player still in the gameplay.

9. There is how to play scene which gives player idea how to play the game (the keys that can be used during the gameplay).

10. Player can choose the game mode (either single player (player1 vs bot) or multiplayer(player 1 vs player 2)) before starting the game, but the default mode is single player.

11. There is background song in the game and its volume can be adjust in the settings, but when the gameplay starts, the background song will automatically paused and resumed when the player choose to go back to the main menu.

12. When the gameplay proceeds, there are different sound effects for each event (when the ball hits the wall, when it hits the paddle, and when it goes to goal)

13. Sound effects for win and lose also provided in the game when a player win or lose a game.

Files Play in browser
Jul 31, 2021

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