Week 8 Devlog: Basic Movement

Basic Movement
The player movement is essential for this action-adventure game. The first thing that I would implement in this game is the basic movement as this feature is required for the player to move around the game world. For now, this will be uploaded just for testing purpose and it might be upgraded throughout the development process.
In order to make this game looks more real, the player's movement here can move within 8 direction during the game. This is also known as eight way movement where the player walks into 8 different directions when moving. This is created using the Rigidbody2D component and a written script which allow the player to move towards the desired direction when pressing certain key on the keyboard. As there are some diagonal areas, these movements are useful as player can move around without much collision to the objects around and quicker(less time consuming).
Following to that, I also make sprite sheet so that the player can face 8 different directions when moving. As the original illustration has only 1 direction, I modified the character so that it can be used exactly how I wanted.
The bottom ones are the sprites for player shooting which will animated when the user is clicking the mouse.
Controls/keys used for moving around:
- key 'w' used to go upwards, key 's' to go downwards
- key 's' used to move left, and key 'd' to move right.

To move diagonal direction:
- press key 'w' and 'a' together to move north west
- press key 'w' and 'd' together to move north east
- press key 's' and 'a' together to move south west
- press key 's' and 'd' together to move south east

From UTAS KIT109's tutorial last Thursday, I have gotten some feedback from my tutors and peers regarding the movements that I have implemented. As they have tested the game, here are some of the feedback to improve my game:
Additional feedback:
- My tutor, Lindsay, has told me that the bullet is not following player's shooting direction while user pressing key w/a/s/d. So, I got rid of the player's Rigidbody2D velocity from the bullet's velocity and it is now fixed.

- I have added an enemy which has basic movement (move within 8 direction) as well. However, when the enemy is moving, it rotates as well. In order to make the enemy moves without rotating, I freeze the Z position in Rigidbody2D.

- Additional cursor to be used to shoot. I implemented a cursor changer for the player using button in UI. There are 2 types of cursor here. The first one is a mouse pointer and the other one is a target pointer.

When shooting, player must select the target button in the top-left side. If the mouse pointer is selected, the player will not be able to shoot. But, later there will be some other UI elements that need mouse pointer in order to be activated.
- Dungeon sprite sheet By FirstBlood > (https://aekae13.itch.io/16x16-dungeon-walls-reconfig)
- The original player character by Saphatthachat Sunchoote > https://www.dreamstime.com/vector-pixel-art-murderer-vector-pixel-art-murderer-i..., Edited by Jastine F Laksmono
- Fountain by Krita Artists > https://krita-artists.org/t/pixel-art-fountain-01/25712
- Gold statue by NobodyOnEarthArt (Marina) > https://mobile.twitter.com/nobodyearth
- Enemy Sprite by Elthen >https://elthen.itch.io/2d-pixel-art-shadow-entity-sprites
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